Special Issue on The Psychology of Artificial Intelligence — Abstract Submission

This special issue aims to make central research on the psychological component of Artificial Intelligence accessible to the general public. Abstracts can be submitted until 31 January 2025, using this form. All abstracts will be evaluated by the guest editors to assess their suitability for the special issue. If deemed appropriate, the authors will be invited to submit a full-length article.

Corresponding author
Email address of the corresponding author
University / institution of the corresponding author
If applicable, please add your co-authors. Please use one line per author.
Is the corresponding author the first author?
Working title for the article
Please provide an abstract of up to 300 words.
Experience in science communication
Do you have prior experience in science communication? This could include writing about scientific topics for a general audience. Please note that this is not a requirement, but it helps us provide you with relevant guidance in the next steps.
Confirmation of full article submission
Upon positive evaluation by the editorial team, I will be able to submit a full text (~2000 words) by 23 March 2025.
How did you hear about this special issue?
Comments for the editorial team
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